Prayer Pointers for SBC..
6:38 PM | Author: fISh
Hey All

Some prayer pointers that all of you can pray for Isaan and SBC. All these are sent last year around November, so there are certain things that are outdated, I have deleted some points that had happened last year. Do continue to keep them in your prayers, keep praying, its the most powerful tool that God has given us!!

Programs Lined up
-Kids Club
i. Slated to begin Nov 1 through Feb18 Y2009:
ii. Now doing PR and planning as we have new ACT staff to help.
iii. Will invite all "old" kids to come back. I know some will not because they have to attend tuition classes, mostly those pri 6 and above, so we feel only p1-5 will be the target.

-English and Korean conversation classes
i. Slated to begin in Nov, to be conducted every Thursday
ii. Pray for good turn out as we do PR and send out invitations.

-Robyn, Krissie and Aunty Jane will return to teach at school.

-Presently there is Sport Clinic seminar going on at the church. Pray for us.... we will be busy now through next year.

Language Center – Aunty Jane as coordinator among church members, volunteers and missionaries. Pray for wisdom to know how structure long term and good programs, given the constraints of short term nature of most missionaries)

-Ps. Pracha – pray for good health and time to rest. He is always busy and he works very hard

-Aunty Jane – time management, time for rest, for more support

-Pastor Pratya, Khun Suban, Aunty Oud, Uncle Pramote….

-Paow, Jiab, Nong

-OM Missionaries: Siew Lin, Robyn, Chuck & Krissie

Fundraising for New Land
-1st phase à to fill in the soil, elevate and level the ground. This is just for 1/3rd of the land and it costs a min of 2-3 million Baht (est $86 300 SGD)

- All infrastructure will cost about 12-15 million Baht ($518 000 - $650 000 SGD)

- Intend to start work asap, in Oct

Human resources

-Office person is needed

-That OM Missionaries will see themselves working for the Lord and not for OM/church

-Good understanding and cooperation among people working in Holy Living Foundation such as the OM Missionaries. Many short-termers come and go and sometimes work of ministry loose continuity

-Good cooperation and understanding among church leaders

-Church members to come out and "wave the banner" i.e. to actively involve themselves in the work of the Kingdom and uphold the church.

-For many students to be reached for the youth
(We did so many outreach in schools and we have occasionally students came to church but not many stay for spiritual interests, so pray at least friendship can keep them attend the church. Our youths are growing into young adults; some leave for university out of Udon, some left for "worldly" reasons, our youth group is dying, pray for more youths age 14-22 yrs to be reached. Students that come to church on sunday are those outside Udon city, we have to pick them up and send them home which is tough - one way ride is around 20-30 km, our members are tired too, having to drive 80-120 km each sunday. Pray for God's way to reach out to these active generation.)

God Bless!!